Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Poet Rose Knapp

Rose Knapp is a poet, novelist, short story writer, multimedia artist, and music producer. She has an experimental novel forthcoming and various poetry publications in Commonline Journal, Blue Lake Review, Poetry Pacific Magazine, Indiana Voice Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Chicago Literati, and many others.

She currently divides her time between Brooklyn and Minneapolis.

Freedom-Spenserian Word Sonnet
Chatty city
Laughing lights
Witty gossipy
Fuckwit shiny knights

Endless flights
Drag queens
Beautiful *frights*
Beaches pristine

Turquoise seas
Lots of Ciroc
Numb lonely
Sore cocks

Not looking for a place to call home--
Looking for a place to die with freedom

/ ^
All ways
it will be a
dark crusade
but the chrome
lybrary is ok to danse
inside. the virtual dubstep
musesick reads on repeat. the
fractal ++ code and endless  print
only a fruity loop studio and apophasis
generator. a tool and nothing more nor less

The poet Rose Knapp

Hot Shit Haiku

First Amandmeant
Speak only to your own ears. Express yourself, but follow all our rules. Rebel, but not really; no radical paradigm shifts or Jacobin rifts. Just make some meaningless politically convenient noise, compose some pretty, marketable country-life sonnets, write some trashy romance novels with some spanking, paint some fluffy flowers, make some more Tom Cruise movies, sculpt some more sexy bodies, all those would be just perfect.
But please stop with the socially unacceptable critique and the Nietzschean antisocial experimentation. We have a way of handling troublemaking deviants; we have a way of handling extreme avant-garde artists. We call them crazy, or we call them criminals; usually both, before we burn them at the stake with an American flagstaff shoved through their unpatriotic bleeding liberal hearts. After all, if voting changed much we’d make it illegal.

Dab lierdd
i c k Ich icks
b i n bin bann
l a d lad laid
n n n nnnn
???! ¿ ¿ ¿

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