Saturday, February 17, 2018

Zombie Logic Review Photo Correspondant David J. Thompson

I like to think of David J. Thompson as the Zombie Logic Review roving reporter and photojournalist. Wherever he is in the world we get a report. 


My sister keeps
a full cardboard box
of Persian kittens
on her kitchen table.

Eating dessert is out
of the question.

Debutants by David J. Thompson

Just As We Fire

In all my dreams
I go target shooting
deep in the woods
with Montgomery Clift.
It’s very quiet in the forest,
and we always end up kissing
as we load our weapons.
Just as we fire, I wake up
feeling wet and sticky,
with a melting pistol
in my hand, the smell
of gunpowder in the air.

Georges by David J. Thompson

Where This Comes From

My new girlfriend believes
a virgin queen and her army
of white rabbits rule the moon.

I don’t know where
this comes from. I think
she was raised Baptist.

Steve by David J. Thompson

After The Storms

Mornings mean Bloody Marys
and buckwheat porridge,
while afternoons are full
of dire tornado warnings.
My neighbor raises table rabbits,
so after the storms, tonight
I’ll go over the fence to set them free,
maybe grab a few plump ones
for delicious breakfast sausage.

Wrinkles by David J. Thompson

Mornings Come So Early

Each night before bed
I drink a cup of warm milk,
swallow a few sips
of cheap cherry brandy,
and eat a handful of Xanax.

Mornings come so early,
these days.

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